activate your soul’s highest purpose

Hello Beautiful Soul,

Are you feeling the call to something greater?

Are you ready to live your at highest potential every day? 

If you’ve been feeling like you’re on the cusp of something deeply transformative, you’re in the right place.

I’m Lara, and it’s no coincidence our journeys have intersected here. We’re in a new era – one that demands we lead with heart and soul.

So, let me ask you: Are you ready to step into a journey that not only transforms you but also empowers you to elevate every aspect of your life, including your business?


Welcome to Your Highest Timeline

Where Your Highest Potential Meets Real-World Success


Welcome to a transformative experience like no other—a spiritual odyssey designed to align you with your highest calling and manifest your deepest desires. 

Join me, Lara Jaye, in an intimate and exclusive meticulously crafted 6-month journey that transforms your spiritual essence by encompassing your highest timeline roadmap and the Lara JayeAlign Method™ of Transformation. 

Unlock Your Highest Potential with Lara’s Transformational Spiritual Guidance

Embark on a Profound Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment

The Lara Jaye Align Method™ of Transformation

CLEAR to cultivate a greater capacity for your true desires.

CONNECT to your inner wisdom and Spirit.

ACTIVATE to integrate new energies and step into your highest timeline.



will provide you with…






A Harmonious


Lara is an amazing bright light. I have had the absolute privilege of working with her personally, professionally and have had her as a speaker to my community of peers. She is beyond intuitive, incredibly articulate, and very sound in her counsel, healing abilities, and ability to explain why and what she does. I have seen personal and professional growth because of Lara, and I would recommend her without hesitation. From the minute you meet with her or speak with her, you will absolutely see and feel her incredible goodness, her abilities to know and see, and her desire for pure goodness for each and every one of us. She wants to help us find our greatest calling and purpose in life and help align us spiritually and energetically to accomplish this. I will always refer her without hesitation and utilize her for myself, my company, my clients, and my family.


CEO, Bishop Real Estate

After one session with Lara, I have been able to think more clearly, feel more peaceful around my life process, and re-opened my connection with Spirit. ~ Jo

After working with Lara, I feel the shift as a new version of myself. Words are difficult to place on this; however, a definite shift in my vibrational state has come forward. I feel more connected on a soul level and also embodiment. ~ Lynda

I am more grounded and have minimized stress with the extraordinary guidance of this gifted spiritual healer, Lara.~ Janet




A life you look forward to waking up to each morning

Deeper connections with yourself, Spirit, and others

A career aligned with your soul

Unlimited personal potential

Vibrant health and a body you love

Profound trust in your intuition

Meaning, significance, and purpose in each day


Align can give you ALL that and MORE!

Lara Jaye


Bi-monthly private sessions.

Energy meditations to clear programs and stuck energies that are preventing you from stepping into your fullest potential.

New downloads, lightcodes, and activations to up-level you to be in alignment with your soul’s highest calling.

Guided meditations and light language Divine downloads to support you.



Private Transformation Sessions: Engage in 12 (twelve) private, transformative sessions over a 6-month period designed to explore your deepest aspirations and untapped potential PLUS 1 deep-dive activation to begin (approx 2 hours) + a wrap-up session in Month 7 for 14 (fourteen) sessions in total. 

Holistic Healing and Growth: Dive deep into holistic healing practices that address emotional trauma, DNA upgrades, and more. This approach ensures every part of your being aligns with your soul’s highest calling.

Exclusive Access to Mystical Mastery: Gain VIP access to the pre-recorded Light Language Academy. This includes personalized downloads, light codes, and activations.

Fast Track to Insights: This exclusive gateway accelerates your spiritual growth, offering deep insights and practical tools to propel you into new realms of possibility.


Ten 30-min Light Language Meditations

you can use these meditations anytime to create shifts in the areas of: Focus, Releasing Stress, Finding Love, I am Enough, Creating Clear Boundaries, Creating More Abundance, Lifting Depression, Finding Your Purpose, Healing Your Body, and Balancing Weight (Value $333)

*brand new* Activate Your Highest Potential Light Language Meditation

Top 10 Spiritual Practices for Busy Leaders eBook

Get practical tools you can apply quickly and use every day to support you in getting grounded, tapping into higher levels of energy, and expanding your intuitive nature. [eBook] (Value $33)

More Than Enough: Discover Your Limitless Potential & Live Your Bravest Dream

In More Than Enough, Lara takes you on a transformational journey to dig deep into your limiting beliefs, challenges you to rise above your fears, and invites you to discover your limitless potential and live your bravest dream.
[Virtual Class & eBook] (Value $111)

All-access pass to the full Lara Jaye content

Discounts on Courses, Live Events, and Early Bird Registration Access (Priceless)

PLUS Lara’s newest Book: The Wisdom Within

Gain clarity, flow, and peace no matter the chaos swirling around you. Real and raw. Lara Jaye’s newest book, “The Wisdom Within: Cracking the Secrets of Meaning, Purpose, & Security,” is an honest look at a sensitive, driven soul’s awakening in today’s chaotic, uncertain world. [Book] (Value $30)


Everything became crystal clear after a clearing with Lara, and I was not bogged down by heavy emotional energy from a separation. She cleared myself, my home, and my business. I immediately shifted to feeling bright, happy, and full of my own energy.

I feel that 100% of people who come in contact with Lara need to realize that hyper-synchronicity is at play. You should take immediate action in working with her to clear your personal energy fields, your home, and your place of work (even if it is online). There is absolutely no doubt that you will feel the shifts immediately, and you will get a return on your ‘investment’ with Lara that is far above what you can imagine right now.

Since my clearing six months ago, my home has felt like a sanctuary, and my business has been shedding blocks and limitations to effortless flow and abundance.

Lars Rain Gustafsson


The BEST investment you’ll ever make is in


6- Months


$1497 per month for 6 months

Only 3 Spots Left!


Why commit to 6 months?

If you are serious about up-leveling your life, we need time together. Time to go through your clearings, shifts, good days, and bad. Chaos and confusion. All of it. This deep inner work can’t be done in a day. Align will give you the solid foundation you seek to be the master of your life! 


Through Align Spiritual Coaching, Lara will guide you to expand your intuition and find the clarity you need in order to cultivate more joy and confidence in your life! She will help guide you towards balance and harmony so you can pursue the elevated life your soul desires.


Hi there, I’m Lara Jaye, an intuitive consultant, energy alchemist, and Light Language pioneer offering decades of experience to purpose-driven visionaries like you. As a global spiritual advisor, I empower you to unlock your true potential and synchronize with your highest self on your most prosperous and impactful paths.

I am excited you are here! Through my unique approaches—including Light Language Activations, Clearings, Divine Downloads, Subconscious Cellular Reprogramming, Shadow Dancing, Energy and Generational Healing, and more—I will guide you in unlocking your inherent multidimensional abilities and transitioning to your next-level timeline.

Whether I am speaking, teaching online courses, recording my podcast, or clearing spaces, my unwavering commitment is to help you find your own inner POWER. Embark on a transformative journey with me and discover the limitless potential that resides within you.

Feel the call? Let’s embark on this journey together.

If you feel a stir in your heart, a recognition of your readiness to shift, elevate, and expand in ways you’ve only dreamed of, then this journey is for you. It’s time to step into your highest timeline and manifest the life you’ve always envisioned.


Take the first step towards your transformation.

Join me now to unlock your true potential.

What is Spiritual Coaching?

Spiritual Coaching gives you tools and tips to apply a higher perspective to our earth school.

Lara’s role is to empower, support, and activate conscious souls to raise their vibration, expand their consciousness, and align with their own soul purpose. To unlock this amazing INFINITE POTENTIAL that lives inside of you, she connects to the spiritual realms while supporting you in tapping into your own guidance. This guidance—your gut, intuition, spidey senses—whatever you call it- is your EDGE in life and business. It always has the perfect answer for you. You learn to connect to yourself (your intuition, your higher self), the Creator of the Universe/God, AND others authentically.

Each session will be completely different. Lara has her tools/tips and outline of what she would like to cover, but more often than not, the Creator of the Universe, the Creator of YOU, has a different plan. She gets out of the way to allow the flow to facilitate whatever is the highest and best for you. As always, Lara begins the sessions by discussing whatever is on your mind/heart. As you can voice those situations or triggers, you can hold them up to a spiritual lens of a much higher perspective. It’s in utilizing those tools and tips to apply to real-life situations and triggers that catapult you to the next level. That next level is a higher vibration of you.

The goal is to partner with you to support you in stepping into your power while rediscovering who you are at your core. Spiritual life coaching is for someone, like YOU, with an insatiable desire to seek knowledge of the hidden realms and to know themselves with a deeply profound level of awareness. It’s a journey of personal growth and self-discovery that will inspire and motivate you.

What can spiritual coaching do for me?

This journey? It’s deep. It’s transformative. And it’s not for everyone. But if you’re feeling that call, that desire for more, I’m here to tell you: it’s possible.

What is my commitment?
  • Show UP. Bi-monthly in a private area, void of distractions. Open and curious.
  • Commit to daily meditation.
  • Ask questions that your soul is open to receiving answers to.
  • Take complete responsibility for your life and what’s showing up.
  • Weekly homework.
  • Allow your mind/ego to rest while you tap into your heart to receive.
What is my investment?

Spiritual coaching takes time, energy, and financial resources.

Coaching containers are $1497 per month for 6 months.

The BEST investment you’ll ever make is in