Unique Ways to Incorporate Light Language into Your Spiritual Practice

Unique Ways to Incorporate Light Language into Your Spiritual Practice

Embarking on a journey with Light Language requires an open heart, a willingness to explore, and a deep reverence for the mysteries of the universe. In my mid-40s, I was so spiritually curious and open to the Creator that the light language began to pour through me rapidly. As I passed people or specific buildings that needed light, I would be prompted by Spirit to release a prayer of Light codes sent in their direction.

Creating Your Life from the Inside-Out

Creating Your Life from the Inside-Out

Envision this…Waking up each morning loving your life. Eager to jump out of bed and into your morning magic routine of meditation, workout, self-care, journaling, and, coffee:) Your schedule is full of love and freedom. Why? Because you know EXACTLY what you need. You know yourself well — your likes, dislikes, what you need to feed your body, mind, and soul. And, because you know yourself SO WELL, it’s easy to make choices for an EXCEPTIONAL LIFE.

Are you on the right path?

Are you on the right path?

I feel led to post this encouragement for anyone who is questioning whether they are on their ‘ right’ path. If you are alive, you are on your path! It might be messy, it may even be painful, but you are on YOUR path. You may even wonder how you can make it less messy or painful… Feel into and to the mess, the chaos, feel into the pain… What does it want to teach you? What do you still need to know?