don't limit you

Don’t limit YOU! You have worked hard over the past many years to build your successful business. Every cell in your body says you were born to do the work that you are currently doing.

You are at the top of your game enjoying your outwardly success. Many look to you as their mentor. Their boss. Their confidant. A leader.

Business is booming and life is moving fast. You’ve accomplished your goals while retaining honor in your word and actions.

But yet, something is off. Something is missing.

You are searching. Seeking something greater in life.

YOU feel it. Right now, everything seems meaningless.

All the stuff. All the possessions you need to take care of.

What’s it all for anyway, you ask?

Even with all your money, status, and material abundance, your soul isn’t satisfied. It’s screaming for something. Something different that will satisfy you from the inside — out.

And yet, that “something” is hard to pinpoint. It is elusive.

But it is real, and painful at a deeper level.

It’s that empty feeling even though you’re full.

Perhaps agitated, angry, or guilty for reasons unknown.

Maybe depressed or frustrated, all the while you are telling yourself you should be happy.

But the truth is, you are not satisfied with the status quo. What you used to do to dull the feelings of your silently screaming soul, isn’t working any longer.

You seek deeper meaning and fulfillment beyond the riches you have already achieved. You go-go-go all the time, push, strive, conquer the world, while filling that not-so-quiet-any-longer voice inside you, hasn’t been a priority.

All this talk of deeper meaning beyond material abundance, filing yourself from the inside—out, satisfying the calling of your soul, your spirit, your higher self, points to the realm of “spirituality” in its many forms.

You tell yourself you don’t want to bring religion or other’s many spiritual beliefs into the board room for a variety of reasons. However, you realize you no longer can ignore the voice of your soul’s yearning. You and everyone in your organization are each holistic human beings. All areas of each “self” must be fed, nurtured and sustained on a daily basis— intellectually, physically, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually.

CEO’s who continue to grow are just now beginning to recognize they can’t detach themselves or a team member from their spirit to do their work. The key to living a deep, satisfying and fulfilling life, not to mention growing in your leadership position, will only result from nurturing the growth of your spirit. Your business mirrors you. It can only grow to the extent that you grow. Your team can only grow has high/much as you do.  Don’t limit them, don’t limit you.

So how does one work this muscle?

Strengthen this muscle of “Know Thyself?”

Many other successful high-powered executives and leaders have sought out spiritual advisors to assist them in various ways, have come to learn how and know to their core —there is a place for spirituality in the workplace.

Creative genius and the late CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, had a well-documented Zen priest as a spiritual advisor. Executive Coach, Jeff Giesea, says “Even Steve Jobs was fundamentally animated by his spirituality. He carried around Paramahansa Yogananda’s book, “Autobiography of a Yogi,” since he was a teenager. Copies of it were handed out to guests at his funeral, a detail he no doubt specified in advance.”

Facebook’s guiding light, Mark Zuckerberg, and several other American technology gurus have been drawn to an ashram in India for guidance and teachings.

Many conscious CEOs, entertainment executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders worldwide are welcoming into their companies spiritual consultants, to help themselves and their team both professionally and personally.

As a spiritual consultant, specific religions are not discussed. Instead, I help leaders feed their soul while at work in a way they haven’t achieved through the normal, usual and predictable. Helping them to create connections between their values, their purpose and their passions. The result? Greater satisfaction and fulfillment, lower stress and improved performance for you and them.

 Although once taboo in corporate America, there are now several offerings to leaders and employees alike which are now becoming mainstream as employee benefits and perks:

•    yoga

•    mindfulness classes

•    angel workshops

•    massage/reiki

•    Feng Shui

•    prayer and meditation rooms

•    intuition and energy workshops

•    astrology services

Can spirituality drive bottom line success?

Absolutely. But don’t take my word for it.

Executives from a wide range of industries gathered at Harvard Business School to discuss how their spirituality helps them be even more powerful leaders. The conference explored issues of leadership, values, and spirituality in business. Most interesting to me were the many different ways each expressed their own individual spirituality. Some spoke of dharma, others finding their own primary values, Christian values, reading the Bible at work and social justice.

According to authors, Martha Lagace, Sean Silverthorne & Wendy Guild of Does Spirituality Drive Success? ( they write:

“For Robert Glassman, Catalytica Energy Systems, his spirituality at work is expressed as a commitment to social justice. As co-founder and co-chairman of Wainwright Bank & Trust Company based in Boston, Glassman (HBS MBA ‘69) said issues such as homelessness, women’s rights and outreach to the gay and lesbian community have shaped his own life and the life of his business.

Seven years ago, for instance, Wainwright Bank had a quarter of 1 percent of the commercial banking scene in the Boston-Cambridge area, but was financing over 50 percent of AIDS housing, Glassman said. In addition to outreach and socially responsible investing, the bank offers online donation functionality to any nonprofit that is a bank customer—even if all they have is a checking account.

The “harmony” among his personal life, business life, and philanthropy, he said, “is as close as I’m going to come to being a spiritual person.”

To be continued….

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