Feeling extra stress or anxiety?

Feeling extra stress or anxiety?

Feeling extra stress or anxiety? Your energy field contains the codes that drive your relationships, financial stress or success, emotional intelligence, and vibrant health. Begin TODAY to unlock the code to living your ideal life

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The Power of the Unseen

The Power of the Unseen

There is power in the UNSEEN. The Invisible. In the feelings, in the emotions, in the energy that is barely, if at all visible to the human eye. There is power in the intangible concepts of intuition, connection, and knowing, where the invisible force propelling a decision is so strong that it shifts reality, yet the visual proof of its existence is elusive.

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Don’t Limit YOU!

Don’t Limit YOU!

Don’t limit YOU! You have worked hard over the past many years to build your successful business. Every cell in your body says you were born to do the work that you are currently doing. You are at the top of your game enjoying your outwardly success. Many look to you as their mentor. Their boss. Their confidant. A leader. Business is booming and life is moving fast. You’ve accomplished your goals while retaining honor in your word and actions. But yet, something is off. Something is missing.

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Top 10 Spiritual Practices for Busy Leaders

Top 10 Spiritual Practices for Busy Leaders

Top 10 Spiritual Practices for Busy Leaders. What does a Spiritual Practice look like?

A Spiritual Practice isn’t going to a shaman three times a week or praying over your car keys (although if this works for you, no judgment at all!). A Spiritual Practice is a consistent performance of an action or activities solely to cultivate spiritual development. It’s a purposeful habit that allows for an opening within, an acknowledgment your soul and spirit connect you to yourself, God, and others. My spiritual activities, outlined below, have become an integral part of my daily activities just like taking a shower or brushing my teeth. Aside from providing a respite in my busy life and a necessary life raft for self-preservation, these practices strengthen my resilience for handling life’s roller coaster.

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5 Tips to Support You While You Wait

5 Tips to Support You While You Wait

Tips to support you while you wait. If you’re like me, you’ve got big dreams. Dreams like creating a profitable, sustainable, creative spiritual business. For years you have poured into it and it’s still not taking off. Or maybe you want to meet that special someone. Yet for years, dating has seemed like a bad joke at your expense. Or are you and your partner struggling to get pregnant? Each month arrives with a ‘negative’ line appearing as if you will never hold your dream child.

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Most Asked Question I Get!

Most Asked Question I Get!

You know the most asked question about meditation I get? It’s not… how do you meditate? It’s not… what do you listen to when you meditate? Or even what position (is your body in) when you meditate? It’s WHEN do you find the time to meditate? I’ve posted many photos of...

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Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and Meditation

Below is an excerpt from the Amazon Best-Seller, More Than Enough:  Discover Your Limitless Potential and Live Your Bravest Dream. Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation will allow you to look at your life from a new perspective. From the inside, out. Easier said than...

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Healing Effects of Nature

Healing Effects of Nature

This past winter there were many days that I didn’t leave the house. Indiana’s polar vortex was one I will never forget. As much as I loathed the cold snow and shoveling, I believe the days I physically moved the snow my depression was much lighter. Being out in...

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Be Still.

Be Still.

Below is a portion taken from a chapter in my Amazon Best Seller, More Than Enough:  Discover Your Limitless Potential and Live Your Bravest Dream.  In today’s fast-paced society the majority of us are on information overload: exhausted, worn out, and depleted. We are...

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Silence The Mind Chatter

Silence The Mind Chatter

Below is a portion taken from a chapter in my Amazon Best Seller, More Than Enough:  Discover Your Limitless Potential and Live Your Bravest Dream. Photo Image compliments of Michelle Sohn [Michellejoyhope@gmail.com] I want to resolve for you once and for all that you...

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The ONE Thing

The ONE Thing

Have you ever wondered what ONE thing you could do so you didn’t react to little annoyances of daily life? Have you ever wondered what ONE thing you could do so you stay on your healthy eating/exercise plan? Or, are you curious what ONE thing you could do so stress...

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What is your soul whispering to you?

What is your soul whispering to you?

It’s a noisy world out there, though. How do you know you’re not listening to your soul? Do you feel a little off? Something troubling you, and you can’t quite pinpoint it? Do you have an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach? Frustrated? Trouble focusing?...

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