No one can argue that the last few years have been challenging in unique ways we haven’t experienced before. Many believe the chaos will continue for several more years to come. As the world continues to evolve, our individual lives may feel like we are riding a roller coaster with twists, turns, and upside/down with no end in sight.


The good news is you CAN have calm in the chaos. You CAN choose a higher path for yourself that isn’t up/down. You CAN build your business and have that life you dream of, EVEN when the world around you doesn’t make sense. To do that, though, I believe we all will need three things to move forward in peace ~


1~ A spiritual practice.

2~ Deeper self awareness.

3~ Control of our negative thoughts.


Today, I want to discuss the first point—a Spiritual Practice. At its core, a spiritual practice transcends mere rituals and routines. While it can encompass religious observances for some, it’s not confined to any specific dogma or tradition. Instead, it’s a deeply personal endeavor aimed at nurturing the connection with something greater than oneself—whether it’s the universe, nature, a divine being, or one’s inner self.


Spirituality is anything that relates to your spirit or soul. We are, first and foremost, spiritual beings having a human experience. To embrace spirituality in your life means opening your heart while allowing and acknowledging your spirit lives within you. A Spiritual Practice is a consistent performance of an action or activities solely to cultivate spiritual development. Simply stated, it’s a purposeful habit(s) that allows for an opening within, an acknowledgment your soul and spirit for connection to yourself, God, and others.


It involves cultivating awareness and presence in everyday life. It’s about being fully present in the here and now, embracing each moment with mindfulness and intentionality. Through meditation, prayer, or contemplation, individuals delve into the depths of their consciousness, unraveling layers of ego and conditioning to reveal the luminous essence within.


In a world of uncertainty and upheaval, a spiritual practice offers a sanctuary of meaning and purpose. It provides a framework for understanding the mysteries of existence and grappling with life’s profound questions. Through introspection and inquiry, practitioners seek truth, wisdom, and enlightenment, seeking to align their lives with higher principles and values.


Integral to many spiritual traditions is the cultivation of virtues and compassion. A spiritual practice fosters qualities such as kindness, empathy, gratitude, and forgiveness—virtues that not only enrich the individual but also ripple outwards, touching the lives of others and fostering harmony in the world. By embodying these virtues, one truly embodies the essence of spirituality.


Perhaps most importantly, a spiritual practice is a journey of transformation and growth. It’s a continual evolution of the self, a journey from ignorance to awakening, fragmentation to wholeness. As individuals engage in practices that nourish the soul, they undergo profound shifts in consciousness, expanding their awareness and capacity for love.


A spiritual practice is a sacred journey of self-discovery and transcendence. It unfolds uniquely for each individual, guided by inner intuition and divine grace. Whether through meditation, prayer, service, or creative expression, the essence of spirituality lies not in the practices themselves but in the sincerity and devotion with which they are pursued.


I begin with a cup of coffee and soaking up the stillness that the sunrise brings. After I write in my gratitude journal, I spend 30 minutes to hours each morning in contemplation, prayer, meditation, and light language clearings. After I am filled to the brim overflowing with love from the Divine, am I able to give from my overflow — praying for others and remote sessions. 


My spiritual activities have become integral to my daily life, such as taking a shower or brushing my teeth. Aside from providing a respite in my busy life and a necessary life raft for self-preservation, these practices strengthen my resilience in handling life’s roller coaster.


Each of us will have our own unique ways of feeding our souls. There is no right or wrong way. What is important, though, is that you set aside even a few minutes in the morning and evening to tune into your spirit within. 


If you are ready to get started on your own version of a spiritual practice, here is a FREE resource for you. CLICK HERE to get started.