The Soulful Entrepreneur: Why Spiritual Growth is Essential for Business Expansion

The Soulful Entrepreneur: Why Spiritual Growth is Essential for Business Expansion

In the dynamic realm of entrepreneurship, success is often measured by tangible metrics such as revenue, market share, and profit margins. While these benchmarks undoubtedly play a crucial role, they only scratch the surface of what it truly means to thrive as a business owner. Beneath the surface lies a realm of untapped potential – the realm of spiritual growth.

Breaking Free From the Familiar

Breaking Free From the Familiar

Frequently, within the comfort of our familiar environment, achieving clarity can be a challenge. However, when the usual routines and constants in our lives are temporarily set aside, it becomes possible to view life from a broader perspective and engage more deeply in our personal healing journey. Furthermore, being away from our homes grants us respite from the constant worries of daily responsibilities, affording us a broader capacity to concentrate on self-care. This past week, I joined a dear client and colleague in Mount Shasta for an incredible transformational journey within.

Take That Leap

Take That Leap

A year ago I was given a new book idea. And, I didn’t want to write it. I knew it was a story that needed to be told yet, instead, I asked God, can’t I write something else? Perhaps something lighter, more cheery? I intuitively heard back, “You have already written that. It’s time for this.” 

My reaction? Well, let’s just say it wasn’t the most enthusiastic. Yes, my response to the Divine, the Almighty Spirit, presenting me with the conception of a book was, well, rather dismissive.

Creating Your Life from the Inside-Out

Creating Your Life from the Inside-Out

Envision this…Waking up each morning loving your life. Eager to jump out of bed and into your morning magic routine of meditation, workout, self-care, journaling, and, coffee:) Your schedule is full of love and freedom. Why? Because you know EXACTLY what you need. You know yourself well — your likes, dislikes, what you need to feed your body, mind, and soul. And, because you know yourself SO WELL, it’s easy to make choices for an EXCEPTIONAL LIFE.