Words Are Energy…What Energy are You Sending?

Words Are Energy…What Energy are You Sending?

Many of us have experienced praying for someone — their health, forgiveness, whatever the situation — and hearing from them acknowledging they thought of you or felt your prayers. Prayer is extremely powerful because it’s such a focused intention of words, thought and emotion, usually wrapped in gratitude. The person you are praying for often thinks of you or feels an extra touch of love.  

Are you on the right path?

Are you on the right path?

I feel led to post this encouragement for anyone who is questioning whether they are on their ‘ right’ path. If you are alive, you are on your path! It might be messy, it may even be painful, but you are on YOUR path. You may even wonder how you can make it less messy or painful… Feel into and to the mess, the chaos, feel into the pain… What does it want to teach you? What do you still need to know?

What to do when you don’t know WHAT to do!

What to do when you don’t know WHAT to do!

Like many clients and friends, you may have lost your passion and excitement for life. Our lives have been turned upside down and inside out.

-lost jobs
-increased illness
-loneliness, and at the same time, many are tired of being around the same people with no break!

What Triggers You?

What Triggers You?

What triggers you and makes you go from 0 to 100 in nothing flat? What exactly are triggers? To be triggered is to experience an emotional or physical reaction to something. People could trigger us. A smell. A place. A substance. It could be anything that is a reminder of something intense that happened to us.