Lara Jaye Activate Your Highest Potential

This question has been at the forefront of my mind as I navigate a period of feeling disconnected and uninspired. Lately, my passion for life has felt blah, flat on the ground while I walk all over it. I noticed that I was sleeping more, walking less, and not even eating. I couldn’t wait until 8 p.m. for the day to wrap up so I could crawl into bed. I wanted the day to be over, and over fast!

At the same time, I knew that something deeper was calling me to reconnect and rediscover the joy and inspiration that once fueled my days. This is when the transition begins, with the shift from external to internal and finding fulfillment WITHIN.

Since noticing that I even WANTED to be inspired again, I have reconnected to my own inner happy place. I began writing again. A new passion project is emerging. 

CREATOR loves to CREATE. And I love being a conduit to that creation! [Details will come in the upcoming days.]

I stopped writing after the last book because I felt as if I had said all I wanted to say. And that is true. My soul is complete for now. However, what isn’t complete is what Spirit wants to say through me. 

To reconnect to the basics, though, and to hear that still small voice, I needed to go back to all my favorites.   

I began cooking and organizing again:) On days I’m up for venturing into the world—unique coffee shops, farmers’ markets, yin yoga, and a walk in nature light me up like nobody’s business. Inspiration continues to flood in as I get out of my familiar surroundings and immerse myself in my five senses. I soak up seeing, hearing, tasting, hearing, and feeling any and all of life I can for the day. The joy of a simple day while talking to complete strangers has brought me back to life. 

And that, my friend, inspires me. My body and soul are lit up with inspiration to CREATE. And, dance my happy dance! 💃🏻 

What can you do today to reset your inspiration to dance with delight?