When your plans go sideways, getting upset or frustrated is easy. With almost every planet in retro right now (an astrology thing) not much is moving forward until mid-September. The energy is shifting very quickly. In the past, I referred to our daily energy shifts as the ‘energy cocktail of the day.’ Now, the planetary energy is shifting, not every hour, but by the MINUTE! In all its beauty and complexity, life often presents us with unexpected twists and turns. Navigating these twists can be both exhilarating and daunting.
The energies have been intense this past month! Whew! At times it felt like I was moving through sludge! If you are even the slightest bit energy sensitive, you also feel it. Here’s how that could be playing out in your everyday life. You may be: ✨Struggling to sleep ✨Craving extra sugar or carbs ✨Feeling ungrounded ✨Feeling unbalanced ✨Feeling stuck ✨Feeling displaced – like you have 1 foot in the world and another in the clouds.
And, to help with some of the symptoms above, I am gifting you with this light language meditation to Optimize Your Health and Quit Sugar NOW.
I was recently asked that question while flying to my niece’s wedding. The gentleman sitting next to me on the plane travels often and said he asks everyone he sits next to that question.
Before I answered him, I thought, “I wonder why he thinks I’m successful?” 🤔
And then, I answered the first word that popped into my head, perseverance—the ability to keep going when you get knocked down. I often feel like I’m failing, and I continue to keep going anyway. Most days, I feel like one of the wobbling weebles that gets blown over and pops back up!
Interestingly enough, he was surprised at my answer…