Lara Jaye Embracing the Current: Going with the Flow, Letting Go, and Letting God
When your plans go sideways, getting frustrated is easy. With almost every planet in retro right now (an astrology thing) not much is moving forward until mid-September. And, at the same time, the energy is shifting very quickly. In the past, I referred to our daily energy shifts as the ‘energy cocktail of the day.’ Now, the planetary energy is shifting, not every hour, but by the MINUTE!
This means the plans you JUST made for today may get rerouted. If you’d like to watch my Instagram post on this very subject, CLICK HERE. 
In all its beauty and complexity, life often presents us with unexpected twists and turns. Navigating these twists can be both exhilarating and daunting. In uncertainty, there is wisdom in the age-old saying, “Go with the flow, let go, and let God.” This philosophy encapsulates the art of surrendering control, embracing the present moment, and having faith in a higher power or greater purpose.
Going with the Flow: The Art of Surrender
Life’s river flows with a rhythm of its own, carrying us through seasons of joy, challenge, growth, and transformation. Just like a river, the more we resist its natural course, the more turbulence we create for ourselves. Going with the flow is about surrendering our need to control every aspect of our lives and instead embracing life’s uncertainty.
We open ourselves to deep acceptance when we surrender the illusion of control. This doesn’t mean that we become passive or indifferent. Instead, it invites us to actively engage with the present moment and respond gracefully to whatever arises. By relinquishing the need to control outcomes, we free ourselves from unnecessary stress and anxiety, allowing life to unfold organically.
Letting Go: Releasing the Attachments
Letting go is a transformative act involving releasing attachments to outcomes, expectations, and even our ego. It’s about acknowledging that some things are beyond our influence and that clinging to them only causes suffering. This doesn’t mean we abandon our goals or dreams; instead, we release our tight grip on them.
In the process of letting go, we find liberation. We free ourselves from the burden of trying to micromanage every aspect of our lives. By detaching from specific outcomes, we create space for new opportunities and experiences to enter. Letting go allows us to flow with life’s currents, adapting to changes and finding beauty in unexpected destinations.
Letting God: Faith in the Bigger Picture
“Letting God” invites us to recognize a larger tapestry at play—one that extends beyond our immediate understanding. When we let God, we acknowledge that our human perspective is limited. We surrender the need to know all the answers and instead lean into a sense of trust. This trust provides solace in times of uncertainty and reassures us that there’s a purpose even when circumstances seem confusing or challenging. Letting God involves aligning our intentions with a sense of divine guidance, allowing us to find meaning in the journey.
These quick energy reroutes will be our new normal for a bit, even after all the retros end. However, we do not need to get angry that we didn’t get our way (although that is an option). Expectations can sometimes set us up for disappointment. Regardless of what you think should or shouldn’t have happened or if what you planned completing blew up, take a moment. 
Embracing the philosophy of going with the flow, letting go, and letting God is a dance—a dance between surrender and intention, between effort and ease. It’s a dance that invites us to become active participants in our lives while recognizing our control’s limits. By embracing this wisdom, we can find:
•Peace Amidst Chaos
•Freedom from Struggle
•Faith in the Unseen
•A Joyful Journey
Here’s an immediate tool to help you shift in the moment from chaos to calm:  
Take a NOW moment to bring yourself back to your center. Take a few deep breaths through your nose, out your mouth (do that 3 X), and begin to notice all 5 of your senses — taste, smell, hear, touch, and see. Bringing the senses into the NOW MOMENT allows you to be mindful. It recenters you and helps you gain a higher perspective on the event that could take you sideways. It helps us go with the river flow downstream instead of fighting the current. I surrendered what I was expecting to allow what needed to happen to come in.  
Surrender doesn’t mean giving up. It means releasing the need to have it your way. Going with the flow allows us to find joy in the journey itself, rather than solely focusing on the destination.
And remember, no matter the chaos and crazy in the world — you can stay in peace. Use this quick Mindful Moment described above anytime you are feeling some aghast. As we navigate the ever-changing waters of life, let’s remember the wisdom of going with the flow, letting go, and letting God. By embracing these principles, we can cultivate a greater sense of peace, resilience, and purpose, ultimately enriching our experience of this remarkable journey.