I feel led to post this encouragement for anyone who is questioning whether they are on their ‘ right’ path. If you are alive, you are on your path! It might be messy, it may even be painful, but you are on YOUR path. You may even wonder how you can make it less messy or painful… Feel into and to the mess, the chaos, feel into the pain… What does it want to teach you? What do you still need to know?
What triggers you and makes you go from 0 to 100 in nothing flat? What exactly are triggers? To be triggered is to experience an emotional or physical reaction to something. People could trigger us. A smell. A place. A substance. It could be anything that is a reminder of something intense that happened to us.
Miracles happen every day with this beautiful prayer, called Hoʻoponopono. It’s an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness used for healing, transformation, inner-peace and self-love.
We’ve all walked into a room that caught our breath. Maybe it just felt a little off or it felt heavy or maybe felt amazing. You felt it. Your spidey senses felt it. You knew it intuitively as you walked in to this space. Your spidey senses also knew exactly who to take you over to, to talk to when you walked into that room.
We are all being called to slow down. Come back to the basics. It’s like we’re being given a collective timeout and to slow down, come back to the basics. It’s up to each and every one of us individually to slow down, go within and not to be afraid of feeling your feelings.
Slow down and calm down…everything is going to be okay. They said more than okay. Slow down and calm down, everything is going to be okay, more than okay. So I love that message because I needed to hear it. I hope you did, too.