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Last month we did a short meditation to get to know yourself deeper. If you missed it, you can read about it HERE.

Did you realize that self-awareness and self-love are the cornerstones on which your entire life is built? Let me paint you a picture of what your life may be like with low self-esteem and no awareness of who you are:

Your boundaries are crossed everyday. You say YES when you mean NO. You don’t have time for yourself. It’s always about everyone else. Resentment sneaks in because you are not honoring your own needs. You may feel tossed around like a rubber bouncing ball trying to please people, even those you don’t like! You may withdraw socially or feel frustrated often. Trusting yourself is out of the question as you continue to neglect your own needs. Mainly because you don’t know WHAT you even need.

When we have a healthy self-esteem and practice self-love, it affects every aspect of our lives. It’s essential because:

•Without it, we can crumble and not show up for our life.
•It helps us feel good about ourselves.
•It gives us courage to try new things.
•It helps us honor and respect ourselves and others.
•It encourages us to make healthy decisions for our minds and bodies.

Now, envision this…

Waking up each morning loving your life. Eager to jump out of bed and into your morning magic routine of meditation, workout, self-care, journaling and, coffee:) Your schedule is full of love and freedom. Why? Because you know EXACTLY what you need. You know yourself well — your likes, dislikes, what you need to feed your body, mind, and soul. And, because you know yourself SO WELL, it’s easy to make choices for an EXCEPTIONAL LIFE.

In the second scenario, you created your life from the INSIDE — OUT. You may have even built a business around the idea of freedom. Freedom in money and time is yours. Your day and all that’s in it emanates from your soul. You know yourself SO WELL; it’s easy to be in your power while creating from that spot. Each day, each moment, you DECIDE what you are going to feel, create, and allow in your life. Distractions no longer exist. The TV is off and toxic drama-filled circumstances have exited your space. You can hold compassion towards the world’s atrocious happenings AND your own power living intentionally at the same time.

If you begin to look outside of yourself, you realize there will always be scary, angry, and dark at every corner you look. Which is true? The dark scary or the high vibration life you see and feel? Most likely, both. The key is what you focus on you will bring more into your life. What you focus on expands! Are you choosing to focus on the dark scary or your own high frequency life?

Here’s an ADVANCED MEDITATION to recenter to a higher frequency:

Sit quietly. Take a few deep breaths, holding each at the top for a few seconds. Drop into your heart space. Breathe more life into your heart space. Now, begin to bring in all 5 senses into space of quiet.

SMELL — what do you smell in this moment?
TASTE—what is active on your taste buds right now?
HEAR—what do you hear?
TOUCH —put a hand on your heart and another one on your stomach.
FEEL—what does your body feel like? Feel into this deeper. What do you FEEL in the moment? In your body? Just outside of your body? Name it with love, not judgment.

This is being mindful. You are present in the NOW moment. See a large mirror in front of you. As you look in the mirror, you are going to SEE and FEEL a version of you that is your soul essence. This is the IDEAL you. The one you dream about. The one you see yourself to be, honestly. You may be feeling….

Free, Safe, Comfortable, Loved, Loving, Light, Vibrant Health, Secure, Home, Fun, Powerful, Confident, Compassionate. Do any other emotions/feelings come to mind?

See this version of YOU in the mirror. What is looking back at you is the ideal creation of yourself. Notice it all. Hair. Clothes. What are you doing? What’s your energy like? Keep notes if you’d like.

FEEL into this. Deeply.

Next, walk up to the mirror and STEP INTO this version of yourself. As you do, set the intention that anything that doesn’t align with your ideal creation must fall away. Step into the person you created yourself to be. Soak up this feeling for a minute or two. Allow the new person you stepped into time to integrate.

When you are ready, gently begin to wiggle your toes and fingers. Move your neck side-to-side. Come back into your body, and when you open your eyes and go about your day, you take that new version of YOU with you!