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You, like myself, may be going through trying times. Not a day passes that I do not hear from someone who is experiencing some sort of crisis —whether it’s in their body, mind or alignment with Spirit. Accidents, illness, estrangement from loved ones, divorce, moving, financial challenges all can contribute to a yearning for a new, lighter, more loving path in life.

This higher path may only be formed though, like a diamond, by being squeezed from all angles. We are ALL being called to a higher purpose. The question isn’t IF we are being called, the question is, do we choose to RECEIVE our higher purpose? And, even if we do say YES, YES, YES, I’m IN…. Now comes the fun of realignment in all areas of our lives and businesses to that higher purpose! Cutting away of things, people, places, illness and circumstances that we aren’t taking with us on that new journey may be painful. It also takes time and energy to deconstruct our old lives in order to build anew. And, how exciting, this is exactly what’s happening for many of us right now!

It’s your choice, though. You can say NO to your higher purpose. You can stay status quo. You can stay stuck right where you are.

OR you can choose a NEW path. A new timeline. In order to do this, though, you need to know EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT!

It ALL begins with self-awareness. Knowing yourself is the 🗝 to choosing what you want in your life. If you’re just beginning this inward journey, start with being still for 5️⃣ minutes a day.

1️⃣Tech turned off except for set your timer for 5 minutes.

2️⃣Put a hand on your heart and another on your stomach (solar plexus chakra).

3️⃣Take 3 deep SLOW breathes.

4️⃣Say HI to your body and the all-powerful Spirit that lives inside of you. Remember who you are. Listen quietly.

5️⃣Bring in all 5 of your senses to the present moment  — SMELL, TASTE, HEAR, SEE, AND FEEL. You are now fully being present with yourself.

Like muscles, this meditative time is cumulative. It builds upon each visit. You begin to crave this quiet time. Eventually, you will see that this is the most VALUABLE time you have ever spent. What lights you up will begin to rise to the surface and what is no longer necessary fades in the background. Next thing you know the timer is going off and you won’t want to ‘leave’ yourself!

For the advanced student who is ready for more than a few minutes, dig deeper into your triggers. Shadow work is excellent for this sort of inner healing. I will write more on that in my next blog. In the meantime, I invite you to make your YOU time a priority each day! The meaning, the purpose and security you are looking for… is all WITHIN.

Daily I say this prayer as I enter my own quiet time, “I surrender and let go of all that isn’t divinely designed for me. I say YES to the Creator’s highest purpose while the plan comes to pass easily and effortlessly.”