3 Tips to Let Go of Fear. Fear. Fear of the unknown. And our world, people who are alive right now, whether they’re just born or 105, have never experienced anything like we’re all experiencing right now. No one. But we’re all in this together and it’s okay. Together we can do anything. Together we can do anything. So, fear is rearing its ugly head. It’s a real emotion. It’s a real feeling. Most likely you are experiencing this at some level right now, especially fear of the unknown. We don’t have control over this and we don’t have control over a lot of things right now in our life. In reality, we never ever really did. We just thought we did. We thought that our Excel spreadsheets and keeping track of everything was a way to control. It’s a way to make us feel better, to put things in a box. And sometimes that does work and gives us that peace of mind, but most often, and especially right here and right now, it doesn’t matter, and because of that, we’re all being shaken.
Feeling extra stress or anxiety? Your energy field contains the codes that drive your relationships, financial stress or success, emotional intelligence, and vibrant health. Begin TODAY to unlock the code to living your ideal life
There is power in the UNSEEN. The Invisible. In the feelings, in the emotions, in the energy that is barely, if at all visible to the human eye. There is power in the intangible concepts of intuition, connection, and knowing, where the invisible force propelling a decision is so strong that it shifts reality, yet the visual proof of its existence is elusive.
Don’t limit YOU! You have worked hard over the past many years to build your successful business. Every cell in your body says you were born to do the work that you are currently doing. You are at the top of your game enjoying your outwardly success. Many look to you as their mentor. Their boss. Their confidant. A leader. Business is booming and life is moving fast. You’ve accomplished your goals while retaining honor in your word and actions. But yet, something is off. Something is missing.
Top 10 Spiritual Practices for Busy Leaders. What does a Spiritual Practice look like?
A Spiritual Practice isn’t going to a shaman three times a week or praying over your car keys (although if this works for you, no judgment at all!). A Spiritual Practice is a consistent performance of an action or activities solely to cultivate spiritual development. It’s a purposeful habit that allows for an opening within, an acknowledgment your soul and spirit connect you to yourself, God, and others. My spiritual activities, outlined below, have become an integral part of my daily activities just like taking a shower or brushing my teeth. Aside from providing a respite in my busy life and a necessary life raft for self-preservation, these practices strengthen my resilience for handling life’s roller coaster.
Tips to support you while you wait. If you’re like me, you’ve got big dreams. Dreams like creating a profitable, sustainable, creative spiritual business. For years you have poured into it and it’s still not taking off. Or maybe you want to meet that special someone. Yet for years, dating has seemed like a bad joke at your expense. Or are you and your partner struggling to get pregnant? Each month arrives with a ‘negative’ line appearing as if you will never hold your dream child.