What exactly do you want?

What exactly do you want?

This higher path may only be formed though, like a diamond, by being squeezed from all angles. We are ALL being called to a higher purpose. The question isn’t IF we are being called, the question is, do we choose to RECEIVE our higher purpose? And, even if we do say YES, YES, YES, I’m IN…. Now comes the fun of realignment in all areas of our lives and businesses to that higher purpose!

Does your pillow talk to you?

Does your pillow talk to you?

Everything is energy. Everything is made of energy and HOLDS energy. You feel the energy when you walk into a room and know exactly WHERE to go. WHO to talk to. You have spidey-senses that you use even if you don’t know you are using them. So, when people sleep in a bed for a long time or use a pillow, sit in a chair or a couch, or use a dresser (yes, you 👉antique hunters out there I’m talking to YOU)— the item SOAKS UP THEIR ENERGY.